Whenever these immortality drugs come up, I always envision some kind of old, rich guy who dedicated his life to becoming rich, finding out that all that money won't buy you a second youth when it's already too late to do all the things he wanted to do. Multi millionaires getting rich, forgetting to live, and then focusing their wealth on a pipe dream of living long enough to spend all their money.
Ever since the first days of medicine, people have sought to prolong life. I think the entire quest is misguided and a waste of the medical field's resources; finding the cure for cancer and other horrible diseases should have priority on making some chosen few live to 100.
Even if the drug does work on humans without making life worse through side effects, I think the end result will be quite dystopic. You end up with a drug the rich can afford quite handily, while the poor will need to work their asses off for decades longer. Unless the drug is free, this will only serve benefit the top 1% of the planet and the pharmaceutical companies selling these drugs. As mankind struggles to accept mortality, the pool of workers will grow, led by drug companies telling them just a few decades years of hard work will surely make them rich.
Ever since the first days of medicine, people have sought to prolong life. I think the entire quest is misguided and a waste of the medical field's resources; finding the cure for cancer and other horrible diseases should have priority on making some chosen few live to 100.
Even if the drug does work on humans without making life worse through side effects, I think the end result will be quite dystopic. You end up with a drug the rich can afford quite handily, while the poor will need to work their asses off for decades longer. Unless the drug is free, this will only serve benefit the top 1% of the planet and the pharmaceutical companies selling these drugs. As mankind struggles to accept mortality, the pool of workers will grow, led by drug companies telling them just a few decades years of hard work will surely make them rich.