I remember reading the agile manifesto around '99 or so (back then it was called XP, "extreme progrmming") and then, after having worked in software for going on 10 years, it was a breath of fresh air. I couldn't believe that logical, rational, sane principles of software development were not just being proposed by influential voices but were actually being considered by managers.
It took about a year for disillusionment to settle in. Everybody seemed to come away from that document with a completely different interpretation and in most cases that interpretation was, "do exactly what we've always been doing that never worked, but add even more meetings on top of it."
One thing that no big-A "Agile" document has ever spelled out clearly is that the sort of agility can't work with fixed delivery dates. (Nor can any other software design methodology, but that won't stop "stakeholders" from insisting that because fixed delivery dates are Very Important, they're not just achievable but easy and you're just stupid).
It took about a year for disillusionment to settle in. Everybody seemed to come away from that document with a completely different interpretation and in most cases that interpretation was, "do exactly what we've always been doing that never worked, but add even more meetings on top of it."
One thing that no big-A "Agile" document has ever spelled out clearly is that the sort of agility can't work with fixed delivery dates. (Nor can any other software design methodology, but that won't stop "stakeholders" from insisting that because fixed delivery dates are Very Important, they're not just achievable but easy and you're just stupid).