D is consistently ranked, by TIOBE index, in the top 30s of programming languages. Zig is not even ranked in their top 100 nor has even achieved 1.0. Appears to be a number of years away from 1.0, which also means all kinds of things can happen and other languages can get more of a spotlight.
In Zig's near category, there are other languages like Odin, Jai, Vlang, Rust, etc... For example, by the time Zig reaches 1.0, Jai (which is in Beta) might be publicly released, others languages might have added some "killer" features, and/or others in development might have also reached production quality.
Zig has quite a long way to go, and if anything may never achieve the popularity or widespread usage of D. Examples of the difficulty of programming languages rising through the ranks, is Nim and Crystal. Both Nim (2008) after 14 years and Crystal (2014), have not even made it into the top 50.
Stop deluding yourself. If we take out TIOBE, and use the IEEE's Top Programming Languages of 2022 (https://spectrum.ieee.org/top-programming-languages-2022), D is still recognized (even higher than the 30s) while Zig, Nim, or Crystal do not even make their chart. That's the reality. The point is, it's hard to climb the charts, and not to underestimate the positions of established languages or that they will suddenly be abandoned.
> Vlang...
To begin with, you are a known troll (with possibly multiple troll accounts at HN) that has spent over an year engaging in slander, lies, and flames about the language almost any time it's mentioned.
Looks like you are the creator or involved with some other language that can't get as much support and popularity, and have taken to being underhanded. It would be advisable for you to stop being obsessed with Vlang. How many years of your life will you waste on such childish antics? You would be better off focusing on making your programming language better, if it's not already too late and its a failure.
As for pushing this bold face lie that the language is a "scam", that's both ludicrous and easily proven false. Vlang has many hundreds of code examples and projects. Easily found at:
The "scam" is you tricking yourself into thinking that your troll tactics are working. Instead, your continual and unnecessary slander is making what you are even more obvious.
In Zig's near category, there are other languages like Odin, Jai, Vlang, Rust, etc... For example, by the time Zig reaches 1.0, Jai (which is in Beta) might be publicly released, others languages might have added some "killer" features, and/or others in development might have also reached production quality.
Zig has quite a long way to go, and if anything may never achieve the popularity or widespread usage of D. Examples of the difficulty of programming languages rising through the ranks, is Nim and Crystal. Both Nim (2008) after 14 years and Crystal (2014), have not even made it into the top 50.