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These archetypes seem like they should have different job titles except for maybe Solver. Additionally, what differentiates a Staff Engineer who's a Team Lead archetype from someone that's a TeamLead?

Overloading the Staff Engineer title with these archetypes is going to lead to identity confusion in the job hunting landscape.

If you're searching for Staff Engineer positions by title, now you need to figure out if your personal archetype matches what they're looking for. You might be able to get it from the posting, but maybe not.

This also confuses salary bands. You might have some really effective management type Staff Engineers making loads of cash because they're management, but someone who's just a Solver might be on the far lower end of pay because they aren't management. These examples might be reversed if the Solver is able to solve really hard technical problems.

Salary is always going to be confused world. People can often earn more as a graduate than a senior by moving to another company or country. Within an org it is hard to measure everyone's true contribution. People's salaries may reflect the job market when they joined. So someone who joined recently gets paid more for a more junior position than someone who has been at the company for years. The company needs to keep salaries secret to avoid people getting annoyed at this! Companies are now also completing for staff not only with other companies, but with investors! If someone is capable, they could go off and start their own thing too. They are also competing with FU money that people have built up. The desire to control this with titles and bands makes me laugh. Obviously big companies need to do this though.

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