Redis requirement seemed to be strickt based on the docs when Hubot first hit HN
Agreed on ranting, but docs are not OK. Docs talk about how awesome it is, but not about how to get it running
Those docs were not there AFAIK when it first hit HN.
Just because something has unit tests does not mean its paradigm is sound or that it scales or is reliable.
This "fork" is not great either by the criteria I use. On top of that both are simply for fun projects not billed as bullet proof battle hardened pieces of software. However, I can see the OP's point of view: Hubot is over-engineered, with a convoluted deploy process outside of Heroku and other design shortcomings. The OP attempted to improve on the idea with a different design, and arguably failed.
* As tombell pointed out, you don't need Redis
* The docs are ok but compared to just ranting docs for this fork they're awesome.
* The docs for IRC usage have moved -
* Who cares if Hubot is over-engineered? It has tests. This ranting fork has none. Moving on ...