There have to be some uncountably infinitely many statistical tests can apply to six numbers, and given any list of 6 numbers it will have to fail, be very "suspicious", according to some of the tests.
So, in this example, they took six numbers and found a test that it failed. Of course. Can always do that -- given 6 numbers, knowing the numbers, can always find a test that it fails.
There is an old remark that some probability theory guys "didn't believe in statistics". Hmm
There have to be some uncountably infinitely many statistical tests can apply to six numbers, and given any list of 6 numbers it will have to fail, be very "suspicious", according to some of the tests.
So, in this example, they took six numbers and found a test that it failed. Of course. Can always do that -- given 6 numbers, knowing the numbers, can always find a test that it fails.
There is an old remark that some probability theory guys "didn't believe in statistics". Hmm