Zig tutorials and learning materials and on-boarding experience needs a lot of work. Compare with something like Kotlin, so well designed is its introductory material that one could start doing useful things with Kotlin within a few hours.
Also I find Zig's choice to use abbreviated keywords rather cryptic, for example using 'fn' instead of 'function' only hurts readability I think.
Andrew Kelley said they'll only start writing the actual documentation once they hit 1.0 so they don't need to update it all the time. I personally find parts of the language unintuitive enough that I'll just wait.
I don't get the problem with `fn`, though. Pretty much every language uses abbreviations like that and I've never heard anyone complain about it: enum, char, int, uint, def, ...you get used to it quickly, you need to build a mental model for them either way.
I'm sorry if I misinterpreted or misremembered something you said, but this was my impression from an answer regarding the state of the stdlib docs, that there'll be more effort put into them after 1.0.
If that's not the case (or maybe plans changed?) I stand corrected. It's definitely not my intention to spread BS.
May be 'fn' was a wrong example to highlight, but my general impression was that there was a preponderance of such abbreviations in Zig, as someone who has spent some time in Java shops, where abbreviations are largely avoided in naming things.
Also I find Zig's choice to use abbreviated keywords rather cryptic, for example using 'fn' instead of 'function' only hurts readability I think.