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> Climate change is affecting the mental health of much younger children, too.

I don't think this article is being very precise in its description of the problem. My opinion is that it is not climate change itself that is driving kids batty, it is the constant Defcon 1 level fear mongering telling impressionable kids that their planet is doomed and making them feel like they have no future no matter what. In her own small way, I would suggest that Elizabeth Bechard is the direct cause of the very mental health problems she's noting.

> A 2018 study of 6- to 18-year-olds found that the risk for emergency room visits for mental health disorders rose by nearly 5% for every 10-degree increase in temperature, and emergency room visits for self-injury or suicide attempts rose by nearly 8%.

The one bit of scientific evidence posted is very tenuously relevant to anything related to climate change. This study is about same-day mean apparent temperature increases, which could have numerous explanations, and not higher temperatures themselves (particularly over a long time period). There may or may not be evidence that higher average temperatures can lead to more mental problems, but what was posted in the article isn't a very convincing study towards that point.

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