Plus, Chrome basically comes with Firebug by default.
I feel that Chrome is similar to Apple products in that it feels restrictive when you first use it (especially with regards to its extension system), but that eventually you realize that you didn't really need those features in the first place. For me those were tree style tabs, as well as the "Awesome bar". The only truly killer feature that Chrome lacks is a reliable Adblock plus.
It is not Firebug, but similar functionality that had to be built in. On Firefox, Firebug is just an add-on (which is not possible on Chrome). Plus in my experience of using Firebug, it's just better than whatever Chrome offers. Also on Firefox you've got countless of other plugins to help you out.
IMHO, this is an argument for Firefox, not against it.
I use both Chrome and FF, and I never felt like a browser was "treating me" like anything. They're both tools.
Maybe because I AM a dumb user? ... Oh god.