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For some reason I felt that the author was a girl by the writing. And then I checked her other post and it turned out I was right. I wonder what tipped me off.

The other post on the blog is also pretty cool. Hard relate. https://eden.bearblog.dev/on-writing/

Could be the lack of ego. Capitalization is often removed by people who don't want to project a self and instead talk from a point of humility. Inverse of all-caps which is seen as "shouting" and forcing your view on another.

Could it be "eden" was a subtle indicator, as a gendered name?

The writing's cadence feels similar to Serial's narration, and that style has been getting a lot of use in the podcasting world lately.


What is wrong with you?

That's an obvious one. The more interesting question is, what is wrong with _you_?

That's a meme question, and not even a legitimate one, but forced.

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