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> A tanker, even empty, cannot get into the bush.

I’ve literally personally driven a diesel tanker off-road through the Kenyan bush.

I was just thinking about the water trucks in Nepal. They go anywhere, it's impressive.

You probably know things that the person you are replying to doesn't and arguing is futile.

Nonetheless, electric isn't so great if you have to pack generators to make it work. It defeats the purpose, right?

My comment up there was from the perspective of a long distance motorcycle traveler. When I look around, I see cars that are already packed: children on parents' knees, one child in the back, and luggage on top. A generator and fuel wouldn't be trivial to add to this.

Above all, it means that fueling up becomes something you can only do where you stop. It's no longer a five minute break, but a constant logistical issue.

I'm not saying that it's impossible, but it's a tough sell. Have you seen The Long Way Up? They attempt a Pan-American trip with electric bikes, and boy what a headache.

And I've forded rivers that would swallow your tanker truck. Just because you have done some basic bitch off roading doesn't mean you know the bush.

If the river swallows your tanker truck, how do you answer his first question:

> There's no diesel in the bush either. So how do you refuel a diesel vehicle?

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