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What you said doesn't contradict what I said.

Read the definitions of recall and precision. Interviews focus on precision at the expense of recall. That doesn’t mean interviews don’t evaluate competency. It’s just that not every competent candidate can pass.

Well I meant interviews don’t perfectly evaluate competency, there's certainly a correlation. Oh, and "read" the HN Guidelines.

> The fact that a service exists to make you better at interviews implies that interviews don't evaluate competency. If interviews evaluated competency

The only interpretation of this statement I can’t think of is “interviews do not measure competency.” That’s not true. They do, but the bias for high precision instead of high recall. That is, it’s better to pass on a competent person than to hire an incompetent one.

Regarding the guidelines, I’m not sure what you mean. One of the guidelines is to assume good faith, however.

But it does kind of explain why an employer might pay them to offer candidates mock interviews -- it makes the not-mock more predictive.

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