Yep, at some point it doesn't matter how much storage Google give you or at least that's the case for the majority.
If Google increased their limits to 100TB it wouldn't really make them more attractive to my small business because I can already live within 100Gb without with virtually no administrative burden.
2TB of mail storage represents an extra security risk for us and the chance to accumulate more un-controlled data.
It's much better to get that out of the email server and into something secure and time managed so that it can be deleted when not needed.
>2TB of mail storage represents an extra security risk for us and the chance to accumulate more un-controlled data.
You're suggesting 2TB is harder to manage with real enterprise management features and MDM functionality vs a provider who allows users to download a full copy of business emails to their personal devices? I like FastMail features, but if un-controllable data was the real concern then Google Workspace would be my go-to not FastMail.
No, I'm not suggesting that 2TB is harder to manage than 200GB (even though it clearly is because there's more in it to keep tabs on).
What I'm saying is that we have a policy to not use email as long term storage because it's considered bad practice. As such we don't gain much from Google offering more storage space because we wouldn't use it anyway.
We're a only a small business and I know that's different once you grow beyond a team you can fit in one room.