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I would hard disagree. Tools like Figma are humongous force multipliers. Using a less useful tool will cost you money. There's an ROI calculation with everything, and they may be overpaying for a few of these, but the list of tools looks pretty on the money to me. Dependency on tools is a risk, but dependency on people is a lot riskier. Institutional knowledge is a bane on maintainability.

That being said, what I think you may be getting at is not so much the reliance on tools but the loss of ownership of your own data and your platform. That's a real thing I would worry about, but I don't think anything in this stack runs that risk. If you have locked yourself into a way of doing things or bought into a closed platform that hogs your data or your relationship with users (ie Apple App Store, Youtube, Patreon) then you're definitely tying a lead weight to your business. But everything on their list is stuff you can easily migrate off of when you outgrow them.

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