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Were the chances that WFH proliferation will remain at pandemic levels high? No. Were the chances that opportunistic eshops will remain once prior corrects high? Debatable.

This is just more hindsight being employed.

It is so easy, so simple to look back, and proclaim one superior and correct.

Did you have these thoughts, and think all these precise things when people were hiring for pandemic booms?

Did you proclaim this loudly, put your reputation on the line, emphatically state that everyone was wrong, wrong!?

I doubt it.

I further doubt you, and the other poster, would have staked capital either way too. And you know why?

Because you didn't know with surety. Because this is all hindsight.

Heck, I'm willing to bet you had no opinion at all about this specific topic at all a year ago. None.

Unless you looked at this, thought about this, you're looking back.


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