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> The screen recording of the calculator app seems to just have "C", which I would assume deletes the whole number, not one digit. That's not the same action

Correct. That’s how “irl” calculators work. You can retype the number easy enough, its not going to be more than a few characters long, but technically yes its a different action. To my point, you can still achieve your goal, through more discoverable means, but it may be more clunky. They should also have a regular backspace here imo.

That's a vestige of history, and not some innate property of a calculator. I went through school with a calculator that had cursor positioning, insert mode, and so on, and mine was definitely not the fanciest in class.

The idea of holding a computer calculator app to exactly the limits of a historical four function calculator is skeuomorphism at some of its worst.

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