Yeah, I do. There is a site that can take advantage of some vulnerability? Not impressed. Until there are tons of such sites, like they are for PCs, and until there are tons of actual iPhones harmed that way, as PCs are, I feel secure.
"however the iOS platform is nothing more than security theater - it keeps the script kiddies out, it gives you an illusion of safety, but it won't keep out the people with the right resources and experience."
I don't care about those people. I'm not targeted by some Dr. No style guy. I care about general experience and the law of large numbers.
And, statistically, I'm totally safe using an iPhone. When that changes, you can write to me again.
until there are tons of actual iPhones harmed
that way, as PCs are ...
In 2008 an estimated 1 billion PCs or more were in use and 95% of those had Windows on it. By contrast, in 2011 by Apple's statement 100 million iPhones were sold to that date and let's be reasonable here - many of those were upgrades, so the total number of users is less than that.
So you can feel safe, but only because your platform is not popular enough right now, or useful enough for anybody to bother (PCs are wonderful for building botnets).
I don't care about those people. I'm not targeted
by some Dr. No style guy.
But you should, as those people are the people with the means to distribute mallware on a massive scale. And they will, sooner or later.
And, statistically, I'm totally safe using an iPhone.
Statistically? I just gave you as an example a freaking website that can do whatever the author wants on your iPhone and you're giving me statistics?
"""So you can feel safe, but only because your platform is not popular enough right now, or useful enough for anybody to bother"""
That's a stupid fallacy. In the 90's the Mac had a tiny marker share, nothing like the near 10% it has today, and it still had tons of viruses. And even platforms like the Amiga and Atari had viruses, while having insignificantly less market share than PCs at the time. The OSX Macs, on the other hand, has only seen a few trojan horses and no actual virus distributed outside of some lab or something.
So, it's not just numbers or units, or relative percentage of market share. Other things count, stuff like the UNIX like permissions OS X had from the start, compared to the silly Windows 3->XP user being automatically admin.
"""Statistically? I just gave you as an example a freaking website that can do whatever the author wants on your iPhone and you're giving me statistics?"""
I'd care about that website when ACTUAL iPhones in the wild ACTUALLY VISIT websites such as this and are hacked, in large numbers.
Until then, I could care less.
It's the difference between being scared of violence in a seedy neighborhood and being scared of being targeted by a serial killer. Yeah, they do exist. What are you chances?
Yeah, I do. There is a site that can take advantage of some vulnerability? Not impressed. Until there are tons of such sites, like they are for PCs, and until there are tons of actual iPhones harmed that way, as PCs are, I feel secure.
"however the iOS platform is nothing more than security theater - it keeps the script kiddies out, it gives you an illusion of safety, but it won't keep out the people with the right resources and experience."
I don't care about those people. I'm not targeted by some Dr. No style guy. I care about general experience and the law of large numbers.
And, statistically, I'm totally safe using an iPhone. When that changes, you can write to me again.