I think my point is, ‘why would anyone want to care?’.
If someone cares and it matters to them, it is not infeasible.
If no one cares, then it may be feasible, but is pointless. No one would ever bother to check, even if said etched-in-glass checksum was still around and findable.
The Bible isn’t vastly different from it’s original writings - or one of the most printed works ever- due to time alone. it’s because each generation finds it’s own reason for propagating what they want (and not propagating what they don’t), and that’s a necessary property for it to exist in a way anyone cares about at all after this amount of time.
Otherwise it would just be (at best) some rotten parchment in a language no one can read, and of at most academic interest in some caves in the Middle East. If someone came up with a checksum on such rotten parchment, the only people who would care would be math nerds - assuming anyone ever found it.