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The Space Force wants more ‘indigenous software experts’ that can write code (breakingdefense.com)
16 points by michaelwww on Sept 20, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

< Chief of Space Operations Gen. Jay Raymond said "we have a program that we call Supra Coders and we’re trying to build indigenous software experts inside of our service…And then as we develop these Supra Coders, we’re looking at what’s the best place to put them,” Raymond said. “And so we’re putting them in software factories…We’re putting them in innovation cells in our deltas, to be able to give them the tough challenges to work on and see if they can write code to be able to help us, and there’s been some really good example of where we have made some progress embedding those folks with our operators.” " >

In case you were wondering: this is a bootcamp to teach javascript, html, react and server side databases. https://supracoders.us/software-development-immersive

Wonder how much money is being siphoned off to consulting/contracting companies for this.

The site is broken on mobile ><

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