Congrats on the launch, but from the website I even struggle to see what Spinach really does. I guess I have to watch the video to get a good impression, but "running standups" doesn't feel that complicated that the website couldn't be a bit more clear on which parts of a standup Spinach is going to help me with.
I also wonder if this is something that engineers will enjoy. Feels more its targeted at Agile consultants and old school big corps. I don't know a single engineer who likes standups or agile, especially not if its "structured" as it's kind of the opposite of agile.
Also I never understood what the point is of a recorded standup history? To me that is a massive huge red flag and evidence that Scrum/Agile ceremonies are just a way for management to manage. It serves no purpose to the actual team. Yesterdays standup is completely irrelevant today. If there is still something important to discuss then it will be discussed today. It's actually quite counter productive to suggest that someone has to go through old notes to get informed about somethign they need to know. That is not in the spirit of what standups were originally meant to be.
Congrats on the launch, but from the website I even struggle to see what Spinach really does. I guess I have to watch the video to get a good impression, but "running standups" doesn't feel that complicated that the website couldn't be a bit more clear on which parts of a standup Spinach is going to help me with.
I also wonder if this is something that engineers will enjoy. Feels more its targeted at Agile consultants and old school big corps. I don't know a single engineer who likes standups or agile, especially not if its "structured" as it's kind of the opposite of agile.
Also I never understood what the point is of a recorded standup history? To me that is a massive huge red flag and evidence that Scrum/Agile ceremonies are just a way for management to manage. It serves no purpose to the actual team. Yesterdays standup is completely irrelevant today. If there is still something important to discuss then it will be discussed today. It's actually quite counter productive to suggest that someone has to go through old notes to get informed about somethign they need to know. That is not in the spirit of what standups were originally meant to be.