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If you've ever read Crumb's comic books, he was fully cancelable in the 1970s. He has always existed outside the mainstream and thus has never relied on mainstream distribution or publicity. If anything, he's a little more acceptable to the mainstream now because hardcore pornography is more widespread and grudgingly accepted these days.

The NYT, masthead of the mainstream, appears to already be in the process of co-opting him for it.

> If anything, he's a little more acceptable to the mainstream now because hardcore pornography is more widespread and grudgingly accepted these days.

That seems like quite a stretch — and I would say built on a questionable premise.

To be sure, I am not questioning the "pornographic" aspect of some of Crumb's work.

Hard-core pornography is "accepted" by society today? Is that true?

Because hard-core pornography is accepted by society today, we now appreciate Robert Crumb more?

I'm not seeing it.

Robert Crumb was accepted (by some) back in the 60's, 70's, etc. long before the internet and PornHub.

Robert Crumb is rejected (by some) even today.

If he is more popular today than he was 5 decades ago it's because he is an elder statesman of sorts with a rich (storied) and wide body of work. He is an icon of an era and a movement both culturally and artistically. He is an amazing artist with an identifiable and unique style.

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