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I was sold the book although the store didn't have it.

This happens a lot, and has recently become very visible with the death of Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ.

A lot of people suddenly hit Amazon and other online shopping sites to buy Queen merchandise, only to have their orders cancelled because the sellers weren't real stores with inventory, but just randos on the internet used to going out to tourist shops and buying one or two items a month as orders came in.

When the flood of orders arrived, they couldn't handle it, since their local shops ran dry of the specific items they listed, too.

I did this a few times on craigslist a long time ago. I went to thrift stores and took pictures of stuff on the shelves, listed them for sale at a decent markup and when people wanted them I went and bought them. If it was already sold, I would tell them they just missed it. It ended up being not worth the effort for me, but it was fun for a few weeks.

a seriously troubled neighbor here would go to thrift stores, buy armloads of stuff.. way too much.. list it on a half dozen platforms, and then used Facebook to promote her 'sale' to friends of friends.. She generated some income, but fell to hoarding at the same time.. also serious "spend-a-holic" patterns were reinforced .. not completely over and it has been at least five years of this.. USA-California

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