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TRS-80 Color Computer Assembly Language Programming - Learned assembly as a teenager and there's no better foundation for knowing how a computer works. Love to shake the author's hand for that one - right book at the right time in my life, and surprisingly well written for something you could pick up at a Radio Shack.

Borland's Turbo Pascal 5.5 Object Oriented Programming Guide - explained object-oriented programming in a way that I could immediately get it even at a young age. TBH I'm not sure I've ever read a better and clearer explanation.

Distributed Programming in Argus, by Barbara Liskov - interesting academic language that found a way to merge a lot of disparate concepts including object oriented computing, distributed computing, and transactions. Good foundation for when I learned Elixir / Erlang OTP.

Peter Drucker, Larry Prusak, and Bruce Kogut are a few thinkers and professors that showed me how to see organizations as repositories of knowledge and human connections rather than collections of financial assets and strategic capabilities. (The customary view taught in business school.) Anything they write is worth reading, but Working Knowledge is a fine place to start.

(Tried to pick some interesting ones for you folks.)

I absolutely concur on the Turbo Pascal 5.5 book. It might sound absurd so I just had to add a voice to support this reality. It's been over 30 years but I really can't think of any writing about OOP or a specific language that was so... effective.

But I guess it shouldn't be so surprising. Turbo Pascal was kind of a well-spring of excellence in its time.

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