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I don't think anyone has anyone's back. All it takes it one group of people to demonize you, and the damage is done.

When some terminally online lefties doxx you and try to get you fired, does some other group of people sweep in to your defense, in your experience?

Your characterization of “believe women” existing as a counterbalance to the flaws of the legal system is compelling, although it still doesn't seem like a good idea. One system is unchecked vigilante bullshit, while the other system is a transparent, evidence-based process. It's like "the medicine doesn't work; let's sacrifice goats and bloodlet instead".

Nitpick: it's not “believe women”; it's “believe ALL women”, which is more hilarious. (And frankly sexist, as it strips women of the agency to lie, which -- spoiler-- is a thing people do all the time.)

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