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A comparison to PouchDB would make a great reference point to help people understand the use case. From what I can see in 2 mins of reading it looks like it's more relational which should be a plus, but then on the downside there's much less of a story on the sync side, with remote persistence ending at offering you interfaces to persist your data but not an actual data store that works. By comparison, PouchDB connected to a server side CouchDB makes an amazing combo.

I didn't have much trouble binding PouchDB into a Vue reactive data store so the reactive part didn't seem as novel to me. What does seem novel is supporting a proper relational schema for this, whereas all the other options I know in this space are schemaless / key-value type approaches.

I wonder if t might be a high-value / low effort proposition to come up with an out-of-the-box setup with something like PostgREST that would then work end to end? This was the super compelling part for me with the Pouch/Couch combo, as with a couple of configs and barely any code your browser localStorage is suddenly sync'd and saved remotely in real time which is mind blowing when you first experience it.

Is it bad to admit... I don't really know... much about PouchDB?

But you've sold me on the concept. I have plenty of prior art to read up on, it seems!

I actually love it when people invent things without full knowledge of prior art - a lot of innovation happens only when people aren't biased by what is already there. Perhaps if you knew all about PouchDB you might not have had enough motivation to do this, and then this gap of a relational reactive store would not have been explored. What you have done looks really great!!!

Thanks but I do feel a bit guilty :)

You can also use PouchDB with RxDB, which _is_ reactive.


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