Yep, used a lot of goto's writing framework software that worked with CoreFoundation on Mac OS. We used it a lot in early Mac Toolbox framework code as well.
Often within the scope of a function we would need to allocate/create dictionaries, arrays, other objects requiring disposal. MacOS's CoreFoundation API often returned NULL when creation (or insertion, etc.) failed. The sane thing to do when you got an unexpected NULL was to "bail" from the function. But rather than return immediately, there was clean up code at the bottom of the function — code like "if stackDict != NULL {CFRelease(stackDict);}". So we often added a label (called typically "bail") just before the clean up code and would "goto bail".
Often within the scope of a function we would need to allocate/create dictionaries, arrays, other objects requiring disposal. MacOS's CoreFoundation API often returned NULL when creation (or insertion, etc.) failed. The sane thing to do when you got an unexpected NULL was to "bail" from the function. But rather than return immediately, there was clean up code at the bottom of the function — code like "if stackDict != NULL {CFRelease(stackDict);}". So we often added a label (called typically "bail") just before the clean up code and would "goto bail".
These were the days before garbage collection....