While I have never directly encountered toxic social justice activism (not even an ex's mother whose activism made me realise "Champagne socialist" was more than just a right wing straw-man), there is no cause so pure it cannot attract numpties.
There is a video (don't know if it's real, staged, missing context, a one-off, whatever) of of some activists going to a restaurant and apparently cajoling diners to agree with them by using the slogan "silence is violence".
(Trouble is with stuff like that, in any cause, it gets amplified by both toxic opponents and socially inept supporters).
Depending on what you mean by 'directly', it's been fun to see people say people who look like me are "born to not being human" and another (a professor of education, to boot) assigning reading (not as a warning) saying "white people are born human but abused into whiteness".
There's a TON of double standards. Asian people want to cater to their own interests? Understandable. Whites would want to do the same? The first question is "who do you hate?" as if that was the only possible motivation.
If I went to America they'd call me a colonizer when only 150 years ago my ancestors couldn't even conduct their official business in their native language and some time later huge chunks of them were killed or taken into slavery by Russians - slavic people whose very fucking name means slave because they got oppressed that badly back in the day.
By "directly" I mean nobody has ever made, or tried to make, me feel bad about being a naïve [0] rich white dude.
Plenty of other things about me (sexuality, politics, my facial hair, formerly my interest in paganism) lead to people trying to get at me, but not any of the issues normally associated with SJW.
[0] I self describe as naïve here because of all the times I've had to update my world view because British history lessons lacked important details like "why did the Irish and the Indians not like British rule in the first place?" and "Kenyans and Cypriots literally took up arms against the British" and "Malta was under British rule and asked for a seat in Westminster".
“The surest way to work up a crusade in favor of some good cause is to promise people they will have a chance of maltreating someone. To be able to destroy with good conscience, to be able to behave badly and call your bad behavior 'righteous indignation' — this is the height of psychological luxury, the most delicious of moral treats.”