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If you prefer print, like me, No Starch Press published it earlier this year too. Just checked on Amazon and even Brendan Eich gave it a review(!) :-) It's probably the best overall introduction I've seen so far, although other books do go further into the details, naturally.

Are you talking about this review: http://www.amazon.com/review/R31YJRU8MO6FD4 ?

I was hoping for something longer...

I heard the print edition has less materials (having said that I haven't actually checked line by line to confirm).

The print edition doesn't include Chapter 7 ("Searching") from the web edition. (There may be parts of the other chapters missing, but I'm not sure.)

That said, Chapter 7 of the web edition begins this way:

> This chapter does not introduce any new JavaScript-specific concepts. Instead, we will go through the solution to two problems, discussing some interesting algorithms and techniques along the way. If this does not sound interesting to you, it is safe to skip to the next chapter.

So maybe the author or the publisher (or both?) decided that chapter was a distraction or somehow wrong for the printed version.

I just printed out a few chapters last week. Thanks for the info. I'll order it too, to support the author.

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