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I can respect a cockroach, though I don't welcome their company. You could say the same about wasps, and I get along fine with them too. Granted, like cats, wasps don't play on easy mode for humans. Nor should they; it's good for us to be reminded every now and again that we don't actually own this planet, no matter how much we like to think we do.

But really, we could say the same about almost any other animal on Earth, because almost no animal on Earth has been as extensively modified to suit human preferences and purposes as has C. familiaris. Absent the most extreme provocation, and sometimes even in its presence, they like us no matter what we do. Why not? We've spent several thousand years seeing to it that should be so.

So I'm not really sure what you're expecting you're going to prove with this whole line of discussion beyond that you like dogs and have some very strange notions about cats, neither of which points I think by now requires any further elaboration.

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