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I’m actually surprised they didn’t go up with helmet laws. Dead people need very little healthcare.

I didn't add but she said a typical pre helmet law motorcycle patient was really being kept alive for organ donation.

When EMTs in my area see a motorcycle screaming by at 85 mph with an unhelmeted rider they call it a "donorcycle."

An emergency room physician once told me, they used to call the first sunny days of spring "Nierenwetter" ("kidney weather").

I would guess there is some kind of normal distribution, it’s not like people dies or were fine, there were lots somewhere inbetween that took healthcare to save. The safety measures save people from dying, but also save the people who would have been only mostly dead.

Same friend was in a motorcycle accident where he hit his head on something so hard he broke his helmet. Had a mild concussion. Only other real injury was he broke a bone in his hand.

Depends on when they are declared dead.

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