I used a recursive way: split the image area, calculate the edges for all, checking edges, and then either fill it, or call the function with the sub-areas's region.
Or you can set up a grid and calculate the chunks.
When I was learning a new language in my collage days, my helloworld used to be implementing a Mandelbrot/Julia set on the given language. A few months ago I decided to look into Rust and started to work on my helloworld in Rust, using RayLib :-)
There was a Mandelbrot/Julia set renderer on the Atari ST that did the exact same thing. Instead of waiting rather long for a pixel-perfect image you could see output immediately and it got more refined with each recursive stage. On a box with a 68000 CPU @ ~8 MHz and no FPU it made for a really nice effect.
Or you can set up a grid and calculate the chunks.
When I was learning a new language in my collage days, my helloworld used to be implementing a Mandelbrot/Julia set on the given language. A few months ago I decided to look into Rust and started to work on my helloworld in Rust, using RayLib :-)
Here's an example output from my version: https://ibb.co/p4bFF7S