Find your next web development job locally. Get out and network with your local business community. It's a lot more effective than competing on SitePoint or Elance with 20 'offshore' firms on a 100 hour project for a measly $500.
The formatting is messed up in my browser, FF3: the star usually appears above the gig, sometimes to the left. Horizontal lines often run through the middle of the text.
I assume that clicking the star indicates your preference for that gig and similar. There are no instructions that I see. Can I unclick a star? I may have misclicked.
There should be some indication that the large box in the middle of the page is loading something when you first go there. I thought maybe it was a plugin that hadn't loaded, and while scrolling to the bottom, it got populated (surprise!).
Presumably that's because this is the SitePoint blog. It looks like they found 19 examples just so they could make a top 20 list with SitePoint first. Lame.