There is a correlation and in this case it is more or less the entire story.
>7 times less area was affected by forest fires in the region this year compared to 2021. This is inside scoop but you can easily verify it by checking particulates/CO data using nullschool's earth. Last year smoke covered area the size of Oregon or something and persisted for weeks.
"There had been very few fires" is just not catchy news, who would like or comment?
Permafrost thawing is a separate issue but may be a bit harder to obtain realtime data until buildings crumble
>7 times less area was affected by forest fires in the region this year compared to 2021. This is inside scoop but you can easily verify it by checking particulates/CO data using nullschool's earth. Last year smoke covered area the size of Oregon or something and persisted for weeks.
"There had been very few fires" is just not catchy news, who would like or comment?
Permafrost thawing is a separate issue but may be a bit harder to obtain realtime data until buildings crumble