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Traits are designed in such a way that there always is some privileged “receiver” type. In abstract datatypes, ML modules, and type classes there isn't this bias. In an ADT you can have a number of associated abstract datatypes, and in type classes all the 'parameters' are treated equivalently (other than order of the arguments which is a little annoying). To compare:

    module type Add = sig
        type lhs
        type rhs
        type out
        val add : lhs -> rhs -> out

    class Add lhs rhs where
        type Out
        add : lhs -> rhs -> Out lhs rhs

    trait Add<Other = Self> {
        type Out;
        fn add(self, other: Other) -> Self::Output

The way Rust does it is nice for more OOP-style usages of traits, but is annoying if you go outside of that (like with the operator traits). This is a personal annoyance, and would have other knock-on effects if it were changed, but does annoy me sometimes, hah.

> What is definitional equality? What does an abstract type alias look like?

Sorry, type theory lingo. Definitional equality means (in the way I was using it - there's some subtlety) that when comparing two things, you look at the definitions, potentially performing some computations to simplify things down. For example, if I had:

    pub type Id<T> = T;
    pub type Pair<T, U> = (T, U);

    pub fn foo((x, _): Id<(i32, String)>) -> i32 { x }
Then I can supply a `y: Pair<String, i32>` to `foo` from another module and everything will be ok, because Rust computes the underlying type when comparing the type of the argument with the type of the parameter, based on the definition of the type alias:

    use stuff::Pair;

    fn weird(pair: Pair<i32, String>) {
        dbg!(stuff::foo(pair))  // Rust checks: Pair<i32, String> == Id<(i32, String)>
If however, I wanted to hide the contents of the type alias, but only expose its signature, I'd be out of luck. In other languages you can have "opaque" or "abstract" type aliases that don't reduce definitionally outside the module where they were defined. Granted, in writing this now, you could use a "newtype" struct for this, and that probably works better with traits, but yeah... I think I recall running into other weirdness related to this stuff but can't remember off the top of my head.

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