I just picked up an e-bike, and it's gobsmacking how much it changes the equation for bicycling - it reduces the difficulty to a degree that it just doesn't make sense to take any other mode of transport within 3-5 miles of home, which is basically my entire city. It's unlocked a huge amount of travel that I wouldn't have bothered to do otherwise because it's too far to walk and driving (and parking) is a pain in the ass. If you haven't tried a modern e-bike, give it a shot - it really, really changes the game for transport.
My biggest concern in getting an e-bike is the fear of it getting stolen. I live in an European capital where this kind of crime is quite common. Didn't look too deep into insurance options, but still.
Other than that, the idea sounds super nice. I see more and more people using e-bikes here.
Yeah, that's a concern. I've got a Kryptonite for the frame and a beefy cable for the front wheel, and I'm going to get pinlocks for everything I can. I don't think I'd leave it out overnight or be real comfortable leaving it on the street for a whole day, but for meals, stops into stores, etc I think it's protected well enough.
(I'd note also though that there's enough broken glass on the sides of the roads around here that I'm not sure a car is much of a theft deterrent either.)