If you need to rewrite your app, every year, then the problem is not the operating system vendor.
If you don't want to write apps for a platform, then the solution is simple; don't support it.
Most folks like to support Apple, because it's a really lucrative user base. People make a lot of money from users of Apple devices. People use Apple devices, because they like the assurance they get, of certain things. Most of the folks that complain about Apple are not exactly representative of the huge majority of folks that use Apple devices; who don't have much interest in going out on social media, and making noise about their devices.
If someone gives me a three-month punch warning; I have no one to blame, but myself, if my face is still there, when the punch comes. Whether or not the punch should be thrown, is another matter, and not really relevant (or appropriate) to the discussion.
The issue is the other end of this is Microsoft having essentially eternal backwards compatibility for everything in Office and Windows and the major security risks and code baggage that come with that.
If I gave you a three month warning before punching you in the face, it doesn't make it reasonable for me to punch you in the face.