I hope it comes across in the preamble that I've been using F# (the only functional programming language I've ever tried out) for just a few days and as such I simply don't know which is which yet.
Anybody who's read this blog post and is interested enough to look further into functional programming should (a) download LINQPad and play around with the interactive F# tutorial and (b) start reading things by people with a few years of functional programming experience under their belt, not a few days.
Not at all, I'm really happy it's garnered so much interest and I'm glad people have taken the time to help correct me / advise what's not quite right.
Anybody who's read this blog post and is interested enough to look further into functional programming should (a) download LINQPad and play around with the interactive F# tutorial and (b) start reading things by people with a few years of functional programming experience under their belt, not a few days.