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US residences currently use ~1kW per household. This means that current car-battery sized storage (~100kwh) would already last almost a week.

Note that other western industrialized nations are significantly less wasteful with residential electricity; the same storage would last the average german household already over 2 weeks for example. Part of the difference might be explained by air conditioning-- but this conveniently requires very little storage anyway.

If you don't go anywhere. And then there are the shops, factories, offices, datacenters, ...

> US residences currently use ~1kW per household

That sentence doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

Residential electricity use is around 10000 kWh per household per year (10000kWh/year / 365days/year / 24hours/day <=> ~1kW).

Meaning that on average, each household requires ~1kW of electricity.

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