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I'm exploring such a concept, NanoFusion.

A study device and thinking from first principles about the reaction.

There are higher energy reactions like proton-boron that emit only light and charged particles. Eric Lerner's Focus Fusion approach taught me about that.

I'm looking at parallel delivery of single photons and how that scales as laser systems develop. Lasers themselves are on an exponential curve, so that seems promising.

Fusion batteries would be cool!


Sustained p-11B fusion might not be possible: the gamma photons carry away too much energy, and nothing can reflect them back.

But if it could be made to work, it would be a better prospect than D-T.

Two ideas:

1) don't try to achieve a chain reaction, but do single atom reactions and fully cycle the energy. Simpler to think about, and raw energies add up (see link).

2) if chain reaction needed, orient the reaction to aim the outputs towards their secondary targets e.g. with a crystal lattice fuel package.

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