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Batteries are the most expensive storage. The overwhelming majority of storage will not be batteries. Of what is batteries, the overwhelming majority will not be lithium. Lithium batteries are well adapted for cars and phones. Other qualities are favored for utility storage.

> Alchemy is not a solved problem

Ah, trolling. OK.

>the overwhelming majority will not be lithium

I'm seriously hoping that aluminium-chalcogen batteries [https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-022-04983-9] can be scaled and commercialized soon

There are lots of exciting battery chemistries, and some boring ones. It is impossible to say which ones will win out, in the end. The one thing certain is that whichever wins will have the best performance per unit cost, and thus better than all the others.

Other exciting chemistries include molten antimony/calcium, zinc/bromine, and iron/air. The antimony/calcium one would never wear out or catch fire. Zinc/bromine is most compatible with current lead/acid battery tech. Iron/air is very, very cheap. None are very attractive for cars, so utilities will not be in competition with the car industry for access to batteries.

Making a substantive point using humor != trolling.

What form of grid/utility energy storage do you expect will dominate in 20 years?

I provided a reference to back up my assertion. Do you have any?

a mix of hydro and non-lithium batteries. for grid scale batteries, you don't care about weight, and if you make it big enough can hear the battery if it helps. as such there are a lot of very cool battery technologies in various stages of commercialization that will never go in a phone, but make a lot of sense when you scale them up to a few thousand pounds.

What kind of storage is falling in price faster than batteries?

CAES, ammonia synthesis, hydrogen electrolysis...

Everything comes down as manufacturing volume goes up.

Everything comes down, but it's hard to compete with >95% over 25 years.

Battery cost is not falling as fast as it was. The others have only just started down.

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