I'm sure there was a spike before it was universal, but it would be interesting to know what it settled down to. If you abandon your cart because of 3D Secure in Europe nowadays you won't be buying much...
Some data posted in July 2022, suggesting things improved - but improved because more transactions were allowed to be exempt from 3D Secure requirements. (eg subscriptions with card-on-file instead of one-time purchases, and merchants with low fraud rates successfully applying to have their threshold increased to €500 before 3DS is required).
[I wish Visa Europe / Mastercard published their own data somewhere easy to find, instead of wading through 3rd party data from companies with an agenda. Maybe it's out there and I haven't found it.]
"Moreover, after only 3 months of 3DS flow implementation, the European grand total of authentication rate improved from 61.8% to 74.5%, with the UK being an absolute leader with almost 90% authentication rate in 3DS flow with Mastercard. Frictionless flow (3DS exemption) was the main reason for this high authentication rate. Authenticated frictionless transactions (exempt of SCA) accounted for almost 30% of authenticated transaction (21.4% pre-3DS), the reason was yet again the real-time efficient TRA. The UK was the leader again with 61.4% exempt transactions with Mastercard, along with high exemption rates in Spain, Greece and The Czech Republic. Axerve, in turn, reported that the authentication conversion rate was 76.22% after 3DS protocols became obligatory."
I thought "exemption" from 3DS was universal for subscriptions beyond the first payment. I've certainly never once had to go through the 3DS flow for a second or subsequent payment of a subscription.