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Those two predictions don't seem to fit together.

Why? Even once you figure out ignition, you still have a bunch of engineering issues to tackle. Energy extraction, tritium breeding, reactor longevity, reducing the build time and cost. Hopefully most of that can be figured out in parallel while we inch closer to ignition, but it's not like once we get ignition we can just copy-paste our way to actual commercial fusion power production.

Because going from the science project has finally worked to supplying 10% of the worlds electricity in just 20 years would be a truly incredible pace progress.

Mobile phones went from 0.001% to 12.0% adoption from 1980 to 2000[0]. Things can happen quickly if there is very obviously lots of money to be made.

[0] http://stats.areppim.com/stats/stats_mobilexpenetr.htm

> Things can happen quickly if there is very obviously lots of money to be made.

There is not obviously lots of money to be made in rapidly building out fusion power plants.

You don't think there's demand for limitless clean energy?

Only if it's cheap

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