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There are fusion companies that are trying to make aneutronic fusion work. This form of fusion doesn't involve boiling water.


Helion Energy is the best known.


HB11 is another one


Helion might conceivably make something useful someday.

The others will just spend investors' money until it dries up. Helion too, most likely.

Well if I'm going to throw money at a pointless endeavour, I could think of quite a few worse than this.

Pointlessness is.

If you want to maximize pointlessness, Energy Vault is right there. But defrauding investors doesn't seem like a great choice to enable.

Maybe it would be better to do what might help avert global civilization collapse, thermonuclear war, and mass starvation?

Investing in practical energy-storage tech factory build-out, solar farms co-sited on reservoirs and pastures, cost-effective hydrogen and ammonia synthesis tech are all overwhelmingly better uses, and can all be equally as cool.

HB11 strikes me a nonstarter. Their proposed direct conversion mechanism is obvious nonsense, and the putative "avalanche" mechanism they want to use to make the nuclear reactions go has been savagely critiqued in the literature.

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