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SpiderOak's CLI has been pretty stable for me across Windows, Linux, and now Mac (M1). The GUI is definitely buggy and tends to freeze for long periods of time, though.

Does anyone have an inside knowledge of the company wrt their plan for SpiderOak One? I'm grandfathered into the old unlimited plan and I'd rather not have to migrate any time soon.

GP here. I'm not on an unlimited plan, but am on a grandfathered plan that's cheaper per GB compared to what's on the website now.

I've had multiple issues with SpiderOak on backing up with the GUI (sluggish or getting stuck) and creating multiple versions of the same files. While I don't have inside knowledge, the company has said in emails that it's not actively working on ONE backup (this has been the case for the last two or more years). Any changes/improvements on ONE backup are postponed and left to a "we may probably get to it at some point" state. From the website and the marketing emails, it looks like the company is focused on "Space Security" and the CrossClave messaging product for enterprises.

I'm also interested in this. I've been using SpiderOak for years, but am currently trying to migrate away (to rsync.net, coincidentally). It's not that I've ever had any issues with SpiderOak, but nor do they seem to be a very engaged company (e.g. I've never heard of a SpiderOak person posting here on HN, but @rsync is never far away and is always friendly). It does sound like their efforts are in other directions.

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