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> Because it's the easiest way to distribute software.

Not really, webdev is a pain just as much as making a native Windows app or Go binary. Programming is bullshit all the way down. The moment you try to do anything correct in absolutely any modern software stack or framework, you will have to do a bunch of hacks to indirectly force stuff into doing what's needed for your program to be correct. Of course in practice everyone just skips this part, contributing to the said problem.

> Standards killed that and now you can view your bank account on Linux.

But I literally can't view certain bank websites with Firefox.

> webdev is a pain just as much as making a native Windows app or Go binary

I didn't mean to imply it was easier for the programmer. It's harder! But it's easier for the end user. Click link, app loads. Next best thing to being bundled with the OS.

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