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>> 5. Running a node is still high cpu, ram, and network chattiness - so using a VPS to keep IPFS off your local network is still tenuous to run.

> There are configurations to mitigate this but just making a blanket statement that it's high cpu, ram, and network is just FUD.

it’s not FUD. this is the out-of-the-box experience for many users, and has been basically since its inception. i know enough about IPFS to import, retrieve, and pin content, convert between different CID formats, use the IPNS and dnslink stuff and host a gateway, configure the set of resources that gateway will serve, and so on. what i still don’t know how to do after being an IPFS user since 2015 is how to make it not noticeably bog down the typical low-end/SBC home servers lots of people in this space use for all their other p2p stuff.

it’s not FUD: perf/resource use is a real problem that is legitimately hampering adoption. try running just basic IPFS workflows on the latest gen of raspberry pi before labeling perf complaints as FUD. if you’re close to the dev team and somehow don’t understand that this isn’t FUD then setup a conference call with me and i’ll demo perf of a typical home setup for you.

It is when you don’t include any context. You at least included that your standard of performance is a raspberry pi.

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