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Even a 6.7 likely has a few people giving it 1/10, a few people giving it 3/10 and a few people giving it 10/10. I have probably rated a couple of things 1/10 out of the 20 odd ratings I may have provided IMDB, but that does not make me angry, just that the particular topic (move, series, episode) somehow seemed to waste my time, but someone else may feel otherwise.

> Giving it a 3/10 means that series needs to live up to some kind of standard that other series don't need to live up to.

Whatever standard people used to give 3/10 to Xena could be used to give 1, 3 or 10. The problem is we do not know who is a genuine critic, and who is just a hater (or a complete aficionado) unless we start doing some kind of meta-analysis which is what Amazon seems to be trying to do, as long as they do it consistently.

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