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As someone who moved to ID because I have in laws in the area I can tell you it is a terrible place, no one should move here, the locals are rude and crude, it is freezing 8 months out of the year.

Everyone here is an avid Trump supporter and openly racist. They drive big pickup trucks everywhere. The mountains are too far away and horrible, everything here is terrible in every way no one should move here the entire state is terrible. The fish have 3 eyes and it is ugly as sin year round, again days 10 below are 0 are common and the roads are never taken care of. Thousands die every year trapped in their home from their houses freezing solid.

Again I warn you stay away Idaho sucks, tell all your friends. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1o33skCSN8

EDIT: Bug, bugs are everywhere, every horrible thing you have ever heard about any state multiple by 6 and Idaho is still worse. Everyone is carrying a gun everywhere, because you have to constantly shoot away wild animals and other people that try and maul you and eat you. If you've ever played a game in the Fallout series that is what all of Idaho is like. Idaho sucks tell all your friends.

EDIT EDIT: If you've already moved to ID it's not too late you can still escape to somewhere better, flee flee for your lives.

3rd EDIT: There is no shopping here either, Amazon can take over a week to deliver, we mostly barter at the country general store in potatoes, not to mention children are mauled by the dozens by bears just walking home from school, which is a one room school house 40 miles away. We have the worst schools in the country. Stay away if you value your children's future.

You're late by at least two years, Boise is the new Austin, sorry but that's how it goes. At least the real estate market seems to have corrected recently there?

The Fallout series is literally (mostly) set in California.

Instructions confusing. Just rented AirBnB in Idaho.

Heh, that's what we tried to tell people about Austin, back in the day. Didn't work.

I guess Micron must be using slave and child labor in the fabs at this rate.

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