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Wow, this is so beautiful! Your web app demo is very neat.

Do you think this can be used for live coding visuals?

I'd love to use it together with Glicol(https://glicol.org).

So far I have tested Hydra and p5.js; they can be used as CDN link or NPM packages.

Look forward to its progress.

Have you played around with Extempore? [0]

It's LISP, and has libraries and examples for live-coding + music generation + interfacing with the web, hardware, etc.

Small but passionate and helpful community. I've done some amazing stuff with it, live visuals + song generation on MIDI hardware synths using realtime web data like local weather, etc.


Thanks! I'm not really sure how to make it work with Glicol -- I don't know anything about the livecoding world. But in theory it would be easy to add a new "magic variable" (shader uniform) for like "mean root squared audio sample amplitude over the last frame..."? You'd just need some way for Glicol to tell Bauble what the value should be. I don't know how they'd communicate or if there's some standard for integrating music and visuals...?

Apart from that big question mark I think it would be very suitable for livecoding visuals, as you can write some impressive effects with very little code. Easy CSS change to make the canvas full-screen and like overlay the code on top of it. That's a thing that livecoders do, right?

> if there's some standard for integrating music and visuals...?

In terms of translating audio to variables useful for driving visuals, ColorChord is getting some traction; it's an algorithm that powers a technology called AudioLink, which is growing beyond its origins in VRChat.





Something like this:


I think both Hydra and p5.js render things to a <canvas>, which is probably the same as what your demo does, right?

Then we just need to set some CSS for the Canvas to make it full screen and hide behind the code editor.

Ohhh I think I misunderstood how this works. You write the visualization ahead of time, and then you livecode the music only? Bauble would work well for that -- you could just grab the compiled shader source and integrate it into your livecoding environment; wouldn't even need to integrate the Bauble runtime. All you'd need to do is set a few uniforms and issue a draw call.

I was imagining something where you switch between coding audio and visuals on the fly -- which is still totally possible, but would require a bit of work to get them talking to each other.

Well sometimes you change the visual code also in real-time. The video above was just for showing the canvas works so I did not edit the visuals code there.

I post the hydra link here. There are lots of demo there:


So far I haven't tried to make them talk such as sync the beat etc. But I think with web worker it is doable.

Ohhh I totally missed that you're the author of Glicol. Okay. So you integrated Hydra as like a first-class thing -- I see I see. I thought you were plugging two 3rd party things together.

So I'm guessing that the best case scenario for you is to import Bauble as like a normal JavaScript dependency, and then use the editor built into the Glicol UI to write scripts, and then just call like Bauble.compile(canvas, script). Right?

Bauble doesn't really know how to be embedded in another page right now -- it's more like an app than a library. But it would be possible to extract the core parts. It's a little tricky because it uses WASM, so it kinda needs to load itself a little specially, but I'm sure there's some way around that.

Would be cool to sync something like this to music! https://twitter.com/ianthehenry/status/1567228698373533696 (ignore the terrible lighting. lights are coming one day)

Yeah. Glicol language and audio engine is written in Rust and compiled to WASM. I still manage to export the WASM module to an NPM package (https://glicol.js.org/). But Emscripten may be a little bit different, but there will always be some solution I guess. I've watched your repo haha.

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