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What you're describing is more how a politician would think if "science" were a country.

But science isnt a country, most scientists arent politicians and most would prefer the truth to out.

most scientists

But scientists aren't in a single domain, they're cut up into biology and physics and etc... And they're further divided into specializations, and then specialties...

And if we don't discount that they're human, they have families, careers, friends, and nations. And at this point we're talking about a pretty narrow cross section of the population, even narrower when you take into account the few that publish, and minute when you finally arrive at who among them can be counted as prime drivers.

And what would the geopolitical consequences be if an objective finger driven by unanimous assent pointed itself at some culprits? All the deaths implicated in the disease, all the destruction, the damage wrought economically - they're culpable for it all. Would it be war or sanctions? Could it be handwaved away?

There's a lot of reasons, at scale, that such data is better kept quiet, and long lists of lots of individuals in many high places which immediately evince one of conflicts of interest if we do take it for granted that it was a fuckup.

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